Beta test 7 =========== You should download ONE of: minimal core above plus France and Germany resources above plus developer tools In additional, you should grab any further modes and/or extensions you want, either from individual_modes/ or from the following groups: mainmods Text, Util, Bits, Spell, BASIC, Buttons, ForZap Email, ZapJRF develmods MakeFile, C/C++/Java, Assembler, Pascal, Diff, Python, Scheme, ZapDS and DWExt devel+mods Ada, Inform, SAsm, PS, SQL riscosmods Obey, Desc, Messages, StrongZap, Asm, BasAsm webmods HoTMeaL, HTML, Perl descmods Man, TeX, CSV, Newmail contains the complete set of ZapFonts, plus documentation. This is optional - there's a minimal ZapFonts in all three core archives. The updates/ directory contains updates from previous beta releases. The src/ directory contains some source code (most of the rest is available via CVS). James Aylett