ZapRedraw Documentation
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ZapRedraw is a relocatable module providing fast text redraw services for client applications. It is used by Zap to plot lines of text onto the screen. The current stable release is 0.39, this is the version supplied with current releases of Zap. Both versions are available from Zap's ftp site:

Note that the beta downloads are update archives; in order to install one, you must have the stable version already installed.

ZapRedraw 0.42 requires Zap 1.44 test-8 or later. A patched Zap binary is included; this is required only for test-8.

New features in version 0.40 include a new Font Handle concept which allows ZapRedraw to manage bitmap font data block which makes it much simpler for programmers to use. It also allows font data to be shared between programs reducing system memory usage.

Using ZapRedraw with a ViewFinder

As of version 0.40, ZapRedraw has support for computers fitted with a ViewFinder card. This allows significant speed increases, particularly in high colour modes. Everything you need to use ZapRedraw in with a ViewFinder card can be found on the ViewFinder page.

ZapRedraw documentation

The documentation detailing the programmer's interface to ZapRedraw comes in two formats: a plain text manual and a StrongHelp conversion which is slightly more detailed.


If you have any questions about ZapRedraw, you can join one of the Zap mailing lists, or you can mail one of the Zap developers directly. For more details, see Zap's contacts page.

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Updated: 2002/03/13 22:27:54. [email protected]
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